Thoughts on Snow…

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Thoughts on snow…

Me: “F’ing snow. No skydiving.”

My friend Rachel: Don’t cha just love the women that wear heels & stilettos in the snow?
Where do they think they are going?
With NO socks..
Its like honey-we are concerned with the snow-NOT what you are wearing & if you are a fashion plate.

The news guy on 1010 WINS: “Well, March certainly has come in like a Lion this year.”

My friend Mike: “Dude, are you in LA? It’s freakin’ SNOWING here!” Me: “I leave tomorrow.” Mike: “Oh.”

My doorman: “It’s snowing outside!” (While in front of a floor-to-ceiling glass window, clearly showing the snow.)

From the eternal optimist, Sarah:  I spent 45 minutes in the car to go six miles at ten miles an hour before I turned around and came back home, where I’m working. It’s pretty outside, at any rate, and actually the roads aren’t terrible, it’s just the people on them that are.

From Amy: I’m in phoenix and have been for three and a half weeks, and i think i’m taking a promotion that will move me to portland oregon a few weeks after that…so no snow in phoenix but get your ice scraper out to help the bus driver!

From Mara:  i fucking hate this weather and i have to get in my car now to drive to NJ 🙁 (Ed’s note: Anything about going to Jersey would depress me. Not just the snow.)

From my friend Jai, who for some reason, fancies himself a cross between Edgar Allen Poe and Cookie Monster:

Today is the day that could have come and when with such glee or merriment, however the wicked touch of winter gives us a lasting yet again. Yes, you heard me, there is not snow like the snow that will not let us go into the light of spring.
We can rant and rave and yet it does not help when we are bundled-up and huddled together for warmth on a elevated subway platform and then in the train dieing of heat stroke with out the ability to get enough room to take off our coat. These are the trying times that slap us in the face of living in the North East and yet, we still struggle with through it even with tidings of pleasures in a place called California.
Now we can not yell into the cold as to stave off winter’s bitter cold, but at least we can mumble under our breath and wait for the eventual spring with all its roof top parties, afternoons in the park and the branding of pasty white legs to which the sun has nare seen in months.
From my running partner, Becca:  I’m sick of this half assed snow!! if it’s gonna be freezing cold, then let it snow! A LOT! none of this 1/2 inch-just-enough-to-make-it-crappy-outside slush, how about either some real snow, or just early spring!?

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