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Saturday I thought it might be a fun idea to take a little bike ride. And by “take a little bike ride,” I mean “bike 66 miles from my apartment to upper Nyack, NY and back to complete my first 100k ever.” Because, I thought it might be fun. It was fun. It was also, by the time it was over, really painful. But it’s good. A ton more of that and I actually might be ready for my first Half Ironman. Ready or not, it’s coming. Ain’t nothing I can do to change that. All I can do is be ready.
I woke up this morning, unable to feel my butt. But a hot shower and one cup of coffee later, and I was off to the Drop Zone, (Went to Skydive Long Island this time) to jump with my friend Zak, a really talented freefall photographer. A result or two below.
And yes, I’ll well aware that my canopy, an Icarus Safire 2, is big enough at 229 square feet to block out the sun. Deal with it. I’m a big guy. I like having a big canopy. I’ve got all the time in the world to downsize.
How was your weekend?