My respect, pride, and six months severance to AOL France

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The best thing that ever happened to me was getting my first job out of school at America Online. The second best thing was being laid off.

I watch this video and I salute every single person there. When we got let go, it was bittersweet. We didn’t know it was coming, which probably made the initial shock harder, but easier overall. These guys had time to prepare. And let me tell you, they did it with style.

I can’t stop watching this. I’m no longer crying, but I’m still watching, watching, and watching. This is truly, truly wonderful. All in one take!! Major props and respect to each and every employee, from a fellow AOL Veteran, circa 1995-1997. I wish each and every one of you the best.

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Enjoy the video made by AOL France. The password is aollover. Happy Friday.

L’amour a la francaise from pyc on Vimeo.

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