I've got a UClear Boomless Mic (Helmet Communicator) to give away!

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Hey skiers, skydivers, anyone who wears a helmet – Check this out! I’ve got a UCLEAR Boomless Microphone, a Helmet Communicator, with Extreme Wind/Noise Cancellation, and High Fidelity Sound to give away! This one is designed for skiers – It’s the UCLEAR HBC120 – And it’s yours to win! All you gotta do is tell me, in the comments, the worst possible place you’ve ever been in your life when you had to make or receive a mobile call you couldn’t ignore. I.e., “I’d just finished eating an undercooked piece of sausage when my boss called with all six of the board members on the phone. As I was running to the bathroom, I had to offer facts, figures, and status updates on all six product lines!”

Win this!

Is yours worse? Let me know in the comments. The best (or worst, depending on how you look at it) story gets the HBC120. Check these guys out on Facebook, as well! And hey, it goes for about $230 on Amazon, so this is kind of a serious giveaway here!

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