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Denis Leary once did a funny bit about Cocaine…
Nothing like getting a bunch of coke! Right? That was usually, like, eight balls were usually like four guys on a Friday night. One guy at 8-o’clock goes, “Hey man. Let’s get an eight ball! It’ll last us all weekend!” Four hours later the same four guys, “Let’s get another eight ball! *frantically* Let’s get another one! Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah!”
Why do I bring this up? It’s kind of similar to CES. Every year, I get all excited – This is gonna be a great show – Can’t wait to see everything new! This is gonna be awesome! And Vegas! Wow! Cool!
By Wednesday morning, I want nothing more than to escape with the same verocity that Frank Morris wanted out of Alcatraz.
It’s just a brutal show. It’s huge, and long, and busy… And thousands upon thousands of people, who don’t know that YOU WALK ON THE LEFT SIDE OF AN ESCALATOR AND STAND ON THE RIGHT get in my way.
So I’m bailing out. I booked my flight to SF a day early, and will spend tomorrow in San Francisco, perhaps working from Helium Report’s offices, or maybe just at an unknown Starbucks somewhere. Friday finds me meeting with my newest client, Adap.tv.
Yesterday, though, was a good day at the show. I got to meet with Jabra, who I’ll include in a shootout on headphones for athletes that I’m going to do for my Sun blog, and a bunch of other companies, including Garmin, Bang and Oulfsen, and others. It was a very informative day, to say the least.
I also managed to get a bunch of work done in the press room, between filing stories and the like, as well as some client work.
Here’s the problem with the press room, though. The working press room, in addition to having all of the set up for working, tables, wires, power, etc… also serves lunch.
So if you’re a journalist who’s not on deadline, you eat. And if you happen to be eating along side of someone who IS on deadline, well then, that guy’s just sh!t out of luck.
I’m that guy. And the two guys digesting and talking about everything from Vietnam to Iraq to housing prices in the greater Las Vegas market? Well… They’re just along side of me. It was… special.
The more I look at this photo, the more I realize that my tolerance for basically anything has dropped the older I get. That’s… well, so be it.
Breaking… While typing this, I manage to look like a dumbass in front of Robert Scoble.
So… I kept to my experiment. I’m leaving tonight, so I accomplished my goal – I didn’t pay penny one for food or drink during CES. It was unbelievably easy, to tell you the truth.
Last night saw parties at various hotel suites, I got to see my friend Regina Lynn, and wound up staying out late and not getting enough sleep. Much like my daily life in NYC, except I’m not going to parties, I’m not staying out late, and the only reason I don’t get enough sleep is because my cats puke on my bed and then my girlfriend wakes me up to clean it.
I should mention, however, that just because my girlfriend makes me clean up my cat’s puke, doesn’t mean I don’t love her and miss her when I have to travel. I do. And sadly, I travel too much. So if nothing else, I can send shout-outs to her about having to clean up the cat puke when I’m gone. So thank you, Alexis, for cleaning up the cat puke. And putting up with me as I blog from parties far away. It’s appreciated.
So yeah… It’s good to be me.
Anyhow, now that I’ve sucked the toes or Robert Scoble in apology, I’m going to get a Sun blog up, then head to the airport.
Seacrest: Out.