Have you seen CNET Reporter James Kim?

Have you joined my incredibly non-annoying, once-in-a-while email newsletter?

Time for a serious post.

CNET Reporter James Kim, his wife, and two children have been missing since last week. There’s a possibility they were traveling through bad roads in Oregon, and might have gotten snowed in due to weather.

James Kim Kati Kim

If you’ve any information, contact the SFPD at 415-558-5508 during normal business hours and at 415-553-1071 after-hours. The Pacific Northwest call center for the case can be reached at 1-800-452-7888.

My prayers, and I’m sure the prayers of all publicists and PR people everywhere, especially those who have worked with James in the past, go out for the safe homecoming of the Kims.

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Join the discussion 30 Comments

  • Gary Lee says:

    Great post Peter. I also hope that 2013 is the year I stop receiving emails / phone calls / direct mail from marketeers talking about my interests in technologies / companies I worked in 3-4 years ago! Sloppy marketing has never been attractive. With the tools available in 2013, it’s just stupid! If you have not done your research to really know who you’re marketing to and why (and just as importantly who you are NOT marketing to), then you’re wasting your marketing spend for many of the reasons above.

    I wish you and yours a great holiday season. 2013 is looking promising!

  • Gary Lee says:

    Great post Peter. I also hope that 2013 is the year I stop receiving emails / phone calls / direct mail from marketeers talking about my interests in technologies / companies I worked in 3-4 years ago! Sloppy marketing has never been attractive. With the tools available in 2013, it’s just stupid! If you have not done your research to really know who you’re marketing to and why (and just as importantly who you are NOT marketing to), then you’re wasting your marketing spend for many of the reasons above.

    I wish you and yours a great holiday season. 2013 is looking promising!

  • donnapapacosta says:

    Excellent, Peter. The best thing I’ve read on the topic of 2013. Thanks for sharing.

  • donnapapacosta says:

    Excellent, Peter. The best thing I’ve read on the topic of 2013. Thanks for sharing.

  • Scott Monty says:

    An excellent and powerful reminder to temper those predictions in the realm of reality. Looks like I need to do a little editing to my draft… 😉

  • Scott Monty says:

    An excellent and powerful reminder to temper those predictions in the realm of reality. Looks like I need to do a little editing to my draft… 😉

  • Mark says:

    I hope 2013 is the year that MLB realizes how archaic blackout rules. Let me pay to watch ANY game I want!

  • Mark says:

    I hope 2013 is the year that MLB realizes how archaic blackout rules. Let me pay to watch ANY game I want!

  • lcsharp says:

    Thanks, Peter. Number 1 is especially powerful for me. I hope that 2013 is the year people stop thinking of social as an afterthought and take it seriously.

  • lcsharp says:

    Thanks, Peter. Number 1 is especially powerful for me. I hope that 2013 is the year people stop thinking of social as an afterthought and take it seriously.

  • mollyborchers says:

    #8 times a million. So critical. Love your no-nonsense approach to these “predictions” that come out every year. Hear, hear.

  • mollyborchers says:

    #8 times a million. So critical. Love your no-nonsense approach to these “predictions” that come out every year. Hear, hear.

  • Stephanie Ciccarelli says:

    Thank you for this, Peter. What a refreshing read! I appreciate how you shared your hopes for the future versus speculation on what might come to pass. What a valuable and insightful post.

  • Stephanie Ciccarelli says:

    Thank you for this, Peter. What a refreshing read! I appreciate how you shared your hopes for the future versus speculation on what might come to pass. What a valuable and insightful post.

  • Stef says:

    Love. Thank you. I know this is a sappy comment but guess what. I DON’T CARE.

  • Stef says:

    Love. Thank you. I know this is a sappy comment but guess what. I DON’T CARE.

  • Molly Lynch says:

    Amen! Here’s to 2013!

  • Molly Lynch says:

    Amen! Here’s to 2013!

  • Guest says:

    Love this post… particularly numbers 7 and 8… you’ve been saying it for a long time Peter and your words are _much_ appreciated. You are the perfect third-party reference to support much of what I believe in, and use, as part of my public relations practice.

  • Guest says:

    Love this post… particularly numbers 7 and 8… you’ve been saying it for a long time Peter and your words are _much_ appreciated. You are the perfect third-party reference to support much of what I believe in, and use, as part of my public relations practice.

  • markkolier says:

    Great post Peter. You might have added that the term ‘rich media’ is archaic and should be retired. The only ones getting rich are those that are overcharging for something that is now a standard.

  • markkolier says:

    Great post Peter. You might have added that the term ‘rich media’ is archaic and should be retired. The only ones getting rich are those that are overcharging for something that is now a standard.

  • Michael G. Ettlemyer says:

    Peter, thanks for the post. It all makes so much sense. The listening and creating amazing experiences for customers are the key takeaways for me. Best to you in 2013!

  • Michael G. Ettlemyer says:

    Peter, thanks for the post. It all makes so much sense. The listening and creating amazing experiences for customers are the key takeaways for me. Best to you in 2013!

  • Jason Keath says:

    Mobile web. Yes. Indeed. It is a bigger need in many ways than social. Social is in fact just one way to have a social presence. Apps, mobile web experiences, SMS, email, content. It is a big challenge.

  • Jason Keath says:

    Mobile web. Yes. Indeed. It is a bigger need in many ways than social. Social is in fact just one way to have a social presence. Apps, mobile web experiences, SMS, email, content. It is a big challenge.

  • #1 makes a good point. Social media won’t help improve businesses in and of itself. It’s only one facet of a good marketing campaign.

  • #1 makes a good point. Social media won’t help improve businesses in and of itself. It’s only one facet of a good marketing campaign.

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