Fido Dido is back!!

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Back in 1992, I was at Boston University, shopping downtown somewhere. (I had no style back then.) I have style now. Shut up.

Anyhow, I remember that one of the first shirts I ever bought because of the message, as opposed to “I need a shirt,” was a Fido Dido t-shirt that read, simply, “Normal is Boring.”

As faithful readers of PR. Differently know, (or anyone who has spent more than 90 seconds with me knows,) “Normal is Boring” is one of my mottos.

So it was with glee and happiness that I found out (via Michael Allison) that Fido Dido is coming back!! BBDO Toronto is bringing back Fido Dido for a 7-Up campaign this summer.


This excites me. It’s a brilliant, resilliant brand, and I predict that the nostalgia value alone (let alone introducing it to a new demo) will do wonders for 7-Up Canada.

The only issue I have with all of this is how Michael noted that when Fido Dido came out, he was in 3rd Grade. I was a sophomore in college. Thanks, Michael. Perhaps I’ll wash down my Geritol with a 7-Up, you whippersnapping kid.

Just kidding. Check out Michael’s blog, he’s got some good ideas a-brewing.

Fido Dido. Hee!! That makes me happy.

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