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Don’t forget – This No Baggage Challenge benefits Best Friends Animal Society. A wonderful place that helps thousands of animals a year. Drop them a few bucks today, ok? 14 hours is a LONG time to be on a plane! Landed in Tokyo, put my jacket back on, and walked out – No baggage, no backpacks. Was fifth off the plane, first through customs. You can walk a lot faster when you’re not carrying bags. Got through customs without a problem, immigration the same way – Was worried that they were going to ask where my bags were, but not even a question. A bunch of you have asked what coat I’m using for this challenge – I’m using the SeV Revolution Plus, the Q-Zip Shirt, and the hidden cargo pants. With the exception of my Blackberry on occasion, everything I have with me fits into the jacket – no need to fill the pockets on the shirt or the pants. Took the Narita Express train to downtown Tokyo, and a three minute walk to the Four Seasons. The only issue (and it wasn’t even an issue) was when I checked into my hotel. The woman, after checking me in, said “So sorry your bags aren’t here yet, I will call the door.” Before I could explain to her that I had none, she was yelling at some poor red-cap at the front of the hotel. I was like, “No, it’s really ok. I have no bags.” Five minutes later, I was able to explain. I think the guy got his hands cut off anyway. Woke up this AM after about three hours sleep, took my clothing out of my jacket pockets, put on the now-much-thinner jacket, and was down at the Tokyo Fish Market for 6am Sushi – It’s insane there – They bring tons of fresh fish in every day – It’s like the South Street Seaport was in the 50s, but on Crack. If you don’t watch out, you WILL get run over. And they WILL NOT stop.
The Tokyo Fish Market from Peter Shankman on Vimeo.