So today is my birthday, and like every birthday, I woke up, had a hard swim workout for my Ironman…
The little things you do add up quickly. Doing the little things over and over is the basis for any improvement you’ll ever hope to have in your life.
I was thinking last night about how today is the first day of September. When this whole world-shift started in…
From my newsletter this morning. You should join it!) Someone asked me yesterday what day is was. My response: “I…
Today is my birthday, and like every birthday, I woke up, did a long Peloton ride, then got dressed and…
Happy Tuesday, my friends. I write to you this morning on an airplane headed home from Asia. Been a long…
You know I’m the least “brand conscious” person out there – when it comes to what I buy for myself….
Happy Thursday, my friends, from Houston – Flying back home after an amazing day yesterday where I flew on the…
This post is sponsored by National Car Rental. However, the ideas, thoughts, and opinions in it are mine and mine…
Last month, I got an invitation to give the commencement address to a public high school in the Bronx, New…