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Like getting your fresh asparagus and expensive cheeses in enviro-friendly bags? Good food, high prices, no pesticides? Then you’ve probably shopped at Whole Foods. In New York, it’s like a Mecca.
For reasons I can’t even begin to fathom, it’s been revealed that John Mackey, Whole Foods CEO has been secretly posting to Yahoo! Message Boards about Whole Foods stock.
According to the Wall St. Journal:
Whole Foods’ founder and CEO John Mackey posted many messages on Yahoo’s stock forums for about eight years, ending around August 2006, the company confirmed Wednesday. Mr. Mackey used the pseudonym “Rahodeb,” an anagram for Deborah, the name of Mr. Mackey’s wife. On the boards, Rahodeb routinely cheered Whole Foods’ financial results, trumpeted personal gains on the stock, and bashed rival Wild Oats.
I can’t understand what would make an intelligent man make such a stupid decision like that. One of the first things I tell my clients is that public forums are no place to debate, you simply don’t do it. And anyone with half a brain knows this.
I’m really kinda shocked.
Should be interesting to see what WF does with him.