Want to Win Some Kickin' Altec Lansing Speakers?

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Hey gang – Want to win these speakers? They’re pretty awesome – Made by Altec Lansing, they fit in any bag, and have more power and bass than I’ve EVER heard from portable computer speakers before. I’m rockin’ out to some Gaga right now, and the bass scared the cat off the couch. Good, good stuff.

All you have to do to win them is this: Simply act out a scene from your favorite movie, and upload it to Youtube. Doesn’t have to be professional, shoot it with your iPhone or iPad or Droid. Doesn’t have to be long or multiple shots. Just something fun. Post the video link below in the comments. Deadline: June 1, 2011.

I’ll have someone of prominence judge the best video, and the winner gets the speakers.

Go forth and shoot!

Altec Lansing Orbit USB Stereo Computer Speakers

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