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This post is non-partisan.
Today, I don’t care who you vote for. I don’t care why you’re choosing the person, party, or group that you are. I don’t care your affiliation. I don’t care whether you’re male or female, black, white, red, purple, or a giant bag full of Skittles.
Today, I don’t care if you believe that aliens landed at Roswell back in the 50s, or if you prefer to believe that a secret shadow government runs the country. Today, I don’t care who you blame or thank for your lot in life, for how much money you do or don’t make, for where you live, for your fears, concerns, aspirations, successes, or troubles.
Today, I don’t care whether you believe in Jesus, God, Allah, or Mother Nature. I don’t care today if you read the bible or not, and if you do, I don’t care which one.
Today, I don’t care if you own or rent your home, I don’t care today if you have a gas guzzling SUV or drive a Prius. I don’t care if you prefer mass transit to driving, or walking to both.
Today, I don’t care if you’re a vegetarian, a vegan, somewhere in between, or if you eat a 72 ounce Porterhouse each night.
Today, I don’t care whether you live in a city, small town, or suburb. I don’t care today what you think of people who live in places in this country that aren’t like yours, or how you relate to people who aren’t like you.
I don’t care today if you’re a millionaire, if you’re not getting by, or if you’re somewhere in between.
The only thing I care about today is that you vote. Today, I care that you make time in your busy day to get to your polling place. If you go first thing in the morning, it won’t be that crowded. If you go late in the afternoon, bring a book or device to keep you amused while you wait on line. I don’t care when you vote today, I just care that you do.
Today, I only care that you make your voice heard. Today, I only care that you exercise your constitutional RIGHT to vote – A right that’s given to you because you’re a citizen of this country. It’s a right that too many of us take for granted, and a right for which people in many other countries yearn, because they don’t have it.
Today, you have one job.
Today is election day.
Today, I care that you make sure to vote.
Today, you should care, too.
Today, make sure to vote.
Thank you.
-Peter Shankman