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For those who haven’t heard, here are President Bush’s workout and fitness stats.
Resting Heart rate: 47
Cholestrol: 178
Body fat: 15.79
“Very Low” risk of getting heart disease.
The full story on him is here.
So why do I call him our fittest overweight President?
According to a Press Release published by the Center for Consumer Freedom, (mind you, I have no idea who they are,) The President is overweight. Check it out:
This standard, called the Body Mass Index (BMI), is decidedly faulty since it only takes height and weight, and not muscle mass, into consideration. A BMI over 25 means you’re “overweight” and a BMI over 30 means you’re “obese.” The President, with a BMI of nearly 27, is officially overweight, but in good company; Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, with a BMI of 33, is considered “obese” and celebrities like Matt Damon, Will Smith, and Bruce Willis are in the “overweight” category.
It kills me. But that’s the beauty of the double standard. Everyone’s screaming about the BMI – What’s your BMI? I don’t know – What’s YOUR BMI! Mine’s too heavy! So’s mine! We’re overweight! Aaaagh! We’re gonna die!!
Our fittest overweight President doesn’t seem to think so, though. Interesting. I do give him props, though. Working out six days a week is a bitch for normal people, and he’s running the country.
Stupid BMI scale.