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So Josh Friedlander over at American Madness has a great post today about how it’s possible, in NYC, to wear a nice suit, and basically crash 99% of the corporate functions being held in the city.
I agree. I’ve done it.
But for fun, I’m going to take it a step further.
I’m going to the Consumer Electronics Show from Sunday, January 6th, to Thursday, January 10th in Vegas. I’m covering the show not only for this blog, but for my outdoor column in the NY Sun. (It’s amazing how many companies make things for athletes.)
Anyhow, because I’m going as media, I’ve been invited to several parties. Between those parties, the media center, the various company Blog Hauses, and other exhibiting-company sponsored places, here’s my challenge to myself:
I bet I can go from when I land, Sunday, 10am, to when I take off, Wednesday, 11:15pm, without spending a SINGLE CENT on food or drink.
That’s my bet to myself. I’ll blog everything I eat or drink, and how I get it – It’s totally free press to your company, so if you have a suite/room/booth that I don’t know about, and are serving water/giving away whatever, let me know.
And no, this isn’t a “feed me and I’ll cover you” blog post, simply because I believe I can do it without one additional company coming to me via this post. Between the events every night, the media coffees, press conferences, etc… I shouldn’t have to.
BTW: If I run out of Excederin, that doesn’t count. I can buy Excederin. Excederin is not food. And if I’m hungover and have a 7:15am meeting, you can be damn sure I’m taking Excederin.