The problem with dance remixes…

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This post primarily goes to FM, RW, and GG…

The problem with dance remixes, as I see it:

You’re in an abs class at New York Sports Club during lunch, and a REALLY good beat comes on. You really start getting into the class, working those obliques, pulling in those lower abs, really loving that burn that only happens when you KNOW that if you keep doing it, you’re going to look like this come summer:

So you’re really getting into it, feeling it, I mean, really feeling it, and in the back of your head, dripping down your brain like that drop of sweat down your back, is the thought… “I know this beat.” And you’re sure by the middle of the workout, that you’ve heard this song before – at least, the bass track to which the entire remix is molded.

It’s driving you more and more crazy, because you’re working out really hard, and  bopping to the beat, and moving, and crunching, and doing those sit-ups… And finally, with about 2 minutes left to the class, at the crest of the hill, when you’re holding your legs up at a 45 degree angle STRAIGHT OUT in front of you for another 30 seconds, and the music’s getting harder, and louder, and louder, and stronger, and you’re sweating harder and purer than ever before, and you think that this is the best abs class that you’ve ever taken, and you are gonna be the BOMB when running in Central Park this summer with your shirt off, the chorus of the song, the song that’s taken 20 minutes of a dance remix to finally come to fruition, comes on.

And you realize that you’ve been working out your abs harder than ever before to a dance remix of “I’d Really Love To See You Tonight” by Barry Manilow.

And the class ends, and you go to the locker room to take a shower, knowing deep down, it’ll take a lot more than one shower to wash away the feeling… The feeling of… “Hmm… I liked that song.”

I’m not talking ’bout moving in…

and I don’t wanna change your life…

But there’s a strong wind blowin’ the stars around…

And I’d really love to see you tonight (really love to see you tonight…)

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