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This update brought to you by the fine folks at the TSA, who actually didn’t give me any grief going through EWR security 20 minutes ago. “The TSA. Surprising you every once in a long while.”
So after Saturday’s kick-ass race, Saturday night found me on the receiving end of a spectacular gift from Sarah, amazing seats to the NY/NJ Metrostars vs. the LA Galaxy, otherwise known as “Beckham’s first game in the US.” While the women swooned, I actually enjoyed the Soccer. It’ll never be as huge in America as it is everywhere else in the world, but it’s a really enjoyable sport to watch. I could see having season tickets.
Sunday, dawned cool and clear, and it was off to the Ranch to repeatedly fall out of airplanes! Whee! Best one of the day (I did four) was a hybrid jump, where myself and another jumper went onto our bellies, and my friend Francesco went into a standing position, (which makes you fall faster) and essentially hung from our chest straps. We nailed it for about 2 or 3 seconds before we lost it – but what fun! Serious good times. Check out the fun video:
Some good press for clients over the past few days, too… Witch Hazel’s new campaign was profiled in Brand Week as well as a blog, FLAVORx landed a nice plug in the Indiana Star and a sweet review in a Mommy-Blog, Immersive Media got a speaking gig, , and then finally, the Financial Times London, tomorrow morning, is running this really nice story featuring TripLife. What is TripLife? TripLife is what AirTroductions is becoming. And it’s gonna be oh, so good.
That’s it for now. I leave you with two thoughts:
Number one: First rule of police work: Always check your surroundings, and know what they are, and exactly how much room you have to get out of wherever you might find yourself. One of the jumpers who left the plane right before us on the jump above had to be reminded of that the hard way. Fortunately, she was ok, just bruised. See below, from my camera, and watch the woman in the black jumpsuit, closest to the camera, whose leg starts out on the bottom left of the video:
My final point: This video below should be required viewing for anyone going into a public place (like an airport lounge) where you’ll be sitting next to lots of other people (like someone blogging who doesn’t want to be disturbed.)
Happy Monday. I’m off to Vegas for 23 hours. For meetings. Lovely.