Good morning from Las Vegas, on day two of the Adobe Summit. It’s a madhouse here, but tremendous educational content. I’m honored to be an influencer and correspondent for Adobe during this event!
Anyhow, yesterday morning saw me getting up at my usual 4am time, but due to a cat who decided to throw up all over the apartment the night before, (including on my open suitcase) I had to spend a ton of time cleaning up and repacking, so I wasn’t able to get on my Peloton before leaving for the airport at 6am.
But I know myself, and I know that if I don’t get the dopamine flowing before I get on the plane, I’ll pretty much be useless throughout the flight, and I had a ton of writing I wanted to get done. So I did what I had to do – I found a small area of Terminal C at Newark Airport that wasn’t busy, and dropped for 100 pushups, and 10 minutes of planks. (Not 10 minutes of nonstop planking. I wish I could do that.)
Anyhow, about six minutes into my pushup routine, I notice a large pair of black boots in front of me, immediately followed by hearing “sir, can you please stand up and show me your ID?” The boots and voice were attached to a Port Authority police officer.
So I stood up and showed my ID. (I also showed him my NYPD PBA card, which helped as well.) He asked where I was going, I told him, and then he asked the obvious question – “Why was I doing pushups on the floor of an airport?”
I was honest. I told him that I have massive ADHD, and by doing pushups before my flight, I can substantially change my brain chemistry, allowing more dopamine, serotonin, and adrenaline into my brain, thus making me work harder, longer, and better, straight through my flight.
“Don”t you worry about what people think of the weird guy doing pushups on the floor of the airport,” he asked. “Honestly, no,” I said. “I made sure to pick an out of the way place where I wouldn’t bother anyone, and besides, I’ve been labeled weird my entire life. What I do works for me, and other than my daughter, I’m really not trying to impress anybody.”
He nodded. “Interesting way to think,” he said. Then he told me to enjoy the rest of my workout. We shook hands and he walked away.
What’s the point of this email? Simple: You do you. Do you no matter what anyone else thinks. Don’t waste time caring about the opinions of those who don’t affect you. Life is too short to let anyone live in your head rent free.
Hey – If you’re in Vegas this week, or Hong Kong next week, reach out! I’d love to connect for a coffee!
Hope you’re having a great week,
Speaking of ADHD, did you know that I offer high-level ADHD coaching? Been doing it for a while now! Would love to have you!
Hey, we have a mutual friend in common – Joe Maida. I am here in Vegas too. Are you at a booth or wandering around aimlessly like me?
Vegas is home! Love to grab a beverage! Message me!