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Abby Ellin threw her book party last night for the launch of her new book, “Teenage Waistland” – Lots of fun.
The irony of having a book party for a book about fat kids and then having plates and plates of Krispy Kremes was not lost on me.
Gift pillowcases done very well, courtesy of Klein Creative. Stephanie over there is really starting to make a name for herself. Very impressive, she’s becoming. Yoda sounding like, I am.
Abby, as she always has, looks fabulous. I, of course, look like I’m retaining water. But my shirt rocks.
Also, Abby’s book continues to climb up Amazon’s charts. Well done, Abby. Well done.
Abby got me my first ever NY Times profile, back in 1998. We’ve been great friends ever since.