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Thought you’d all appreciate how I spent my Tuesday.
Woke up, 3am.
Got into a car to the airport, 4am
Get on my plane to Houston, 5:05am, with upgrade. (woo!)
Take off time: 5:50am
Take off actual time: 6:50am.
Land in Houston: 9:30am
Connection to Denver take off time: 9:10am.
Negative amount of time between landing and my connection: 20 minutes.
Go to president’s club, ask to be rebooked: 9:35am.
Call client: 9:40am
Client says that if I can’t get in by the 2:30pm meeting, no point in coming, I should go home and reschedule.
Get on 10:50am flight to Newark
Flight leaves: 11:30
Flight lands at Newark: 4:40pm. IN COACH.
Back to my apartment: 6pm.
How’d you spend yesterday?
I flew around the country.
Are you a pilot?