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Currently in Washington, DC, about to co-speak to the Capital Communicators Group. I had a bunch of meetings I’d been putting off in DC, so was able to schedule this talk and take the day down here.
Anyhow, am going to try and live-stream through Yahoo’s new live-streaming service. So if you’ve nothing better to do around 12:15/12:20pm, log on to http://live.yahoo.com/shankman and you should be able to watch me live – I’m sharing the stage with another speaker – she’ll be going first for 10 minutes, talking about Radio promotion, then I’ll be talking about stunts.
Hey, I get a free burger out of it, and can sell some books. There are worse things, I suppose.
So if you’ve nothing to do… http://live.yahoo.com/shankman – Or just watch below.