If I Can Help a Reporter Out, I Will.

Have you joined my incredibly non-annoying, once-in-a-while email newsletter?

Check out my latest idea… I created a Facebook group that allows people to post their expertise on whatever… Then, for all those reporters who email me on a daily basis asking for info – I just send their query to the group – Because it’s a closed group where members need to be approved, only people who actually have something smart to add (and not just “oh, I wanna see my name in print”) are responding.

One reporter called it an “idiot-free/SPAM free version of [that other service that you have to pay for.]”

Called “If I Can Help a Reporter Out, I Will,” you can request membership here: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=5467139643

But only if you have something worthwhile to add.

Happy Sunday – and good luck to the New York Harriers, the Resorvoir Dogs, and 38,000 other warriors today.

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