How NOT to introduce yourself to me

Have you joined my incredibly non-annoying, once-in-a-while email newsletter?

So imagine this… You walk up to me because I’m doing you a favor, and I put out my hand. Instead of shaking it, you violently slap it away, then tell me exactly how I’m supposed to talk to you, what I’m supposed to say, and warn me that if I utter so much as one syllable that’s not what you expect, you’ll never talk to me again.

Chances are, I wouldn’t be friends with you, right? I mean, that’s just logic talking, right?

Guess some people just don’t really “get” the whole concept of logic. Or of people doing nice things. Check out this email I just got from one “Gloria G Wolk,”, which was in reply to the auto-generated email that generates when you sign up to be a part of HARO. I also find her third paragraph use of both “Tech-talk” (metamessage) and “Sopranos-talk” (fergeddaboudit) rather amusing, but in a “aw, you’re pretty” type of way.

I present to you, Ms. Wolk’s first introduction to me after she signed up for HARO. (From which, by the way, she’s obviously since been banned.)

From: [email protected]: Peter Shankman05-29-08 – 16:14:56 – GMT-5

Please do not send me rants, whether funny or gossipy. They waste my time. I rather waste my time with people I know–if I waste time.

In regard to information related to the areas of my expertise, I have always been willing to share with reporters primarily because it helps to keep the public informed. I will not provide basic information they can obtain from my books or website–and there are many who are ignorant and lazy. Those who are diligent earn my respect because they ask good questions and report accurately.

If the metamessage is to buy your stuff, fergeddaboudit. Unsubscribe me. I don’t need or want it.

Peter Shankman wrote:Hi Gloria,Welcome to Help a Reporter Out! Read this! It’s worth it! (And it’sshort!)First off, I’m Peter Shankman . I consultto companies around the world on PR, Marketing, Social Media, andthinking differently. I speak at conferences all the time. Istarted this idea to help all my reporter friends. Originally builtas a FaceBook group, it’s grown like mad (like most things I do,)and now it’s an email list. Yes, it’s free.You’ll get about three or so emails a day from me, all withreporters looking for sources.The emails are formatted like this:A paragraph or two of me ranting about something funny.**********************Query Title….

Yeah… Um… So… Do you talk to your kids that way? Your sources? Reporters? Dates?

Wow. I’m telling you… What’s that quote? “Watch people and the way they act, and their antics will never bore you.” Or something like that.

Have a good day, Ms. Wolk. Do try and smile.

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  • Peter Cap says:

    Hi Peter ,
    Im also a Peter and a little hypo serial entrepreneur.
    Come from “the land down under” to tackle NYC.
    Im located in Sky on 42/11 been there since Jan and just love HK.
    I want you to to try something …love your feedback.
    Can we catch up at Theatre Row diner next time you are free and around??
    Be awesome.

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