From My Couch… Thy Social Media Monitoring Shall Be Done

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So I came up with this idea after seeing two TVs at Brickhouse Security acting like a giant Tweetdeck platform.

The build is here.

The First Ever Couchside Social Media Monitoring Center

The First Ever Couchside
Social Media Monitoring Center

The end result is here.

The Completed Couchside Social Media Monitoring Station

The Completed Couchside
Social Media Monitoring Station

Welcome to my living room – or, as I call it, the world’s First Ever Couchside Social Media Monitoring Center. Two Samsung 52-inch LCD Flatscreens on either side of a Samsung 50-inch Plasma. The two on either side shall monitor the Interwebs. The Plasma shall be for TV.

All I need now is Captain Picard’s Chair.

I may never leave. Seriously.

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