Have you joined my incredibly non-annoying, once-in-a-while email newsletter?
Apologies for not posting all week, been in work-hell ™ and also figured I’d let the Darren and Joanne hoopla carry the site (which it did, over 100,000 visitors in a week. Jeez.) (Not to mention the SONG – Click on “Do the Right Thing.”)
Anyhow, while we’re all out there busting our asses landing our placements, getting our clients, and grabbing our clippings, let’s not forget that in the end, it’s friendship that matters.
Work hard, everyone. But don’t forget to play, too. Trust me. You’ll be glad you did.
I’ve yet to find anyone on their death bed who said, “gee, I wish I’d worked more.”
Amy and me – Flying to Altitude, to jump back down, Skydive Sebastian, Sebastian, Florida, Saturday, July 29th.
Live, everyone. You won’t regret it.
As Amy is fond of saying…
Spiral out… Keep going…